Would anyone marry DREW PETTERSON?!?!?!?!?! I'm baffaled....What the heck man? This will be his 5th wife! His third one was murdered and his last one is missing, and he's the main suspect in both cases...oh yeah, sounds like the kind of man I'd want to marry...I'm so confused...
I know people are crazy. I mean she would rather have her 15 minutes of fame and risk her life.
I'd say she is someone seeking attention, and doesn't really care what happens to her life! She crazy. He crazy too.
He is one messe dup dude! On an interview, he basically said he would be ready to start a new relationship as soon as it wasn't the "honeymoon period". I feel sorry for that girls daddy. He is trying everything he can to stop it.
So glad you are blogging Hollye. I will add you to my list!
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